Review ManagementFeedspaceGreat Potential, Excellent Customer Service, but Still Room for Improvement in Features and Customization Options - Therefore, initially 3 stars - very happy to give 5 after some adjustments




4.719 reviews

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Great Potential, Excellent Customer Service, but Still Room for Improvement in Features and Customization Options - Therefore, initially 3 stars - very happy to give 5 after some adjustments

I would like to submit a preliminary review here. The tool has great potential, but unfortunately, it is still too narrowly focused on specific application areas and industries. Particularly in coaching and services, reviews from real people are crucial for building trust in the brand or company, similar to Google reviews. Therefore, the most important features are still missing in this tool. However, I see great potential in perfecting this easy-to-use tool with meaningful and easily implementable features.

Therefore, I am initially giving it 3 stars, as my initial expectations have not been met after the purchase, and I have not yet found much use for it due to the points mentioned above. However, if the points I mentioned are added, I will give it a solid 5 stars. I believe that the developers also believe in their product and do not see these 3 stars as an insult, but rather as a small encouragement to improve their product for an even larger audience and to make it absolutely perfect.

I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks for the introduction of the 5-star rating system. It is a wonderful and extremely practical addition.

The following 3 functions are still missing, and I would like to have them:

1. The ability to add a first name to received feedback, so that the first names can be displayed on the "Wall of Love."

2. An option to add contact details to feedback, so that as the creator, I have the opportunity to verify/confirm reviews via email, to gain more credibility and trust as a "real person."

3. A function to customize the automatic display text of messages sent by the customer, and the ability to specify whether it is the sale of a product or a service.

These points would significantly improve the user experience. Thank you for your attention and commitment to continuous improvement!

I am excited to see what lies ahead!

Best regards,

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