Lead GenerationSaveMyLeadsSo good I bought it twice




5.09 reviews

Automate Facebook lead management

So good I bought it twice

I full stacked and eventually tried it out on some live FB Lead ad campaigns.
I linked it to Google Spreadsheets to collect the lead data so clients can instantly see the results we are getting and it's worked like a charm.

Simple, easy, straight forward and not complicated or clunky like all other alternatives I've tried.

I've not used FB Lead Ads before but the results I am getting far exceed the results I have been getting with all other versions of FB ads at a fraction of the cost. So I am running this for more and more clients now and finding similar results with a few creative tweaks to the process.

I am so impressed with this and see such scope in this that I have purchased it twice, just so I have a buffer account just incase I ever reach the limits. Such great value for money.

I couldn't recommend this more (if you are running or intending to run lead ads).

Purchased from: AppSumo.com