SalesHeybaseGive it a chance!




4.4134 reviews

The ultimate digital sales room platform

Give it a chance!

This app is not getting the love and care it deserves!

They're obviously a startup with a small team, making some mistakes along the way, like sometimes not having the best communication or having some major issues fixing their bugs, but we should take a step back and carefully analyze it.

When they arrived the 1st time at Appsumo, they brought something new. Quite sure multiple businesses/solopreneurs, have this app paid multiple times in the first couple of months. It's powerful!

They are so good and new to the scene, that "clone apps" have been entering the space with nothing new to show, like the example of the " Notch " most recent copycat, that conveniently ignored Appsumo questions when asked/being compared with "HeyBase". They've copied Heybase 99%, so no original ideas, no future for Notch I believe.

Being this new and disruptive also brings challenges others don't face, so we need to have that into account as a good LTD buyer, when investing on "untested waters".

ATM it's not so important about "what happened" but "if and how they solved it", and they have delivered!!

The new UI it's amazing and keeps improving. The AI brings the latest tech to your fingertips, but you can still use HeyBase without it, and still get the leads coming in.

They have now better and faster communication, so take advantage of it and make things happen!

Note to founders:
1. I would revise the AI tokens since they're on the low side and also consider BYOK so you don't ever need to be worried about LTD users' limits. If you're thinking on addons monetization, there's other ways that would be more accepted and acquired, like giving access to alternative new AI models in the future with smaller addon pricing, and others. It should not be a concern now.

2. If you ever need to think were to cut your time, efforts or resources, don't do it on customer support / brand communication. You're doing great now, so keep the good work!

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