Website BuildersBrilliant DirectoriesAn almost perfect product

Brilliant Directories

Brilliant Directories

Brilliant Directories

4.9598 reviews

Create your own membership sites & business directories

An almost perfect product

The first impression is really great. Everything is super clear and super easy to use. You are also very well guided with tutorials and are therefore not left alone. I was very happy to have found this product. Now I had been working with it for a while and then I came across a point that I find very or extremely visually disturbing here in Germany.

It's about the date format. BD offers three versions, e.g. for US/UK. These formats are not common in Germany and are extremely unsexy for a domestic project. The support has also written that they are not prepared to change this. So there is no possibility to enter a date in the format day.month.year (31.01.2024) or day. MONTH year (January 31, 2024).

Furthermore, I had not found a way to store Google Fonts locally and according to the help page it sounds as if they are also directly connected to the Google servers, which in turn is a major data protection problem in Germany.

Unfortunately, I can't use it this way, even though it's a really great product on the whole.

I wish you continued success and will continue to keep an eye on you ;)

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