The first impression is really great. Everything is super clear and super easy to use. You are also very well guided with tutorials and are therefore not left alone. I was very happy to have found this product. Now I had been working with it for a while and then I came across a point that I find very or extremely visually disturbing here in Germany.
It's about the date format. BD offers three versions, e.g. for US/UK. These formats are not common in Germany and are extremely unsexy for a domestic project. The support has also written that they are not prepared to change this. So there is no possibility to enter a date in the format day.month.year (31.01.2024) or day. MONTH year (January 31, 2024).
Furthermore, I had not found a way to store Google Fonts locally and according to the help page it sounds as if they are also directly connected to the Google servers, which in turn is a major data protection problem in Germany.
Unfortunately, I can't use it this way, even though it's a really great product on the whole.
I wish you continued success and will continue to keep an eye on you ;)