

Meet the fastest way to report bugs

Companies use Slyce to report bugs in one click and debug faster than ever

About Slyce

Imagine a world where reporting bugs is as easy as a single click. Welcome to Slyce, the ultimate tool that transforms the tedious task of bug reporting into a seamless experience. No more endless discussions or confusing explanations; with Slyce, you capture bugs in real-time, share them effortlessly, and resolve them faster than ever before. It's like having a superpower for your development team, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: building amazing products. Slyce is designed for everyone in the tech ecosystem—developers, QA testers, designers, and product managers alike. Whether you're a solopreneur juggling multiple roles or part of a larger team, Slyce adapts to your needs. With its powerful integrations, you can connect with tools you already use, making your workflow smoother and more efficient. Why struggle with complex bug reporting processes when you can have Slyce? This tool not only simplifies bug tracking but also enhances team collaboration. With features like instant session replay and detailed console logs, your team will have everything they need to diagnose and fix issues quickly. Say goodbye to the chaos of bug management and hello to a streamlined, productive workflow.

  • Capture and Record

    Effortlessly capture bugs with screenshots, recordings, or session replay.

  • Share and Assign

    Quickly share and assign bugs across platforms like Jira for collaboration.

  • Diagnose and Resolve

    Resolve bugs faster with console logs, network data, and environments.

  • Powerful Extension

    Record or snap tabs instantly to capture bugs as they happen.

  • Quick Shortcuts

    Report bugs with just a few powerful shortcuts instead of multiple clicks.

  • Comments

    Use comments to communicate easily across your teams.

  • Annotate Bugs

    Annotate, blur, and doodle easily on your bugs smoothly.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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