Design & MultimediaVideo Editingreap


Turn your long videos into viral shorts faster

Repurpose long videos into short viral clips to share on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube Shorts to increase your reach

About reap

Imagine this: you’ve just wrapped up a marathon video shoot, pouring your heart and soul into every minute of content. But now, the thought of chopping it all down into bite-sized clips for social media feels like climbing Everest without oxygen. Enter reap, your new best friend in the world of video content creation. With a single click, reap transforms your lengthy masterpieces into short, snappy clips that are ready to go viral on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts. It’s like having a personal video editor who works faster than a caffeinated squirrel! Reap is designed with the content creator in mind. It uses cutting-edge AI technology to automatically identify the most engaging segments of your videos, ensuring that your audience is hooked from the very first frame. Whether you’re a podcaster, educator, or just someone with a lot to say, reap has your back. Say goodbye to the tedious editing process and hello to more time spent creating and connecting with your audience. But wait, there’s more! Reap doesn’t just stop at clipping your videos. It adds captivating subtitles, smart speaker detection, and even AI-selected b-roll footage to give your clips that professional polish. Plus, with support for multiple languages, you can reach a global audience without breaking a sweat. So, if you’re ready to elevate your content game and attract more fans, reap is the tool you didn’t know you needed. Get ready to watch your views soar!

  • AI Curation

    Automatically extract the most engaging segments from your videos using advanced AI analysis.

  • Speaker Detection

    Ensure your speakers are always in focus with smart tracking that adjusts the frame dynamically.

  • Captivating Subtitles

    Generate eye-catching, accurate subtitles that keep viewers engaged and improve accessibility.

  • Multiple Formats

    Easily repurpose content across all social media platforms with adaptable formatting.

  • AI B-Rolls

    Enhance your videos with AI-selected b-roll footage that complements the main content.

  • Studio Management

    Manage all your content with your team, streamlining your production process.

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