MarketingSocial Media ManagementPodawaa


Get thousands of likes on LinkedIn.

Generate qualified engagement on your publications. Make LinkedIn's algorithms believe that your content is outstanding. Multiply by 10 the usual reach of your posts.

About Podawaa

Podawaa is the ultimate tool for LinkedIn users looking to boost their post engagement and reach. Imagine being able to effortlessly connect with a targeted audience, generate qualified comments, and watch your content soar to new heights - that's the power of Podawaa. At its core, Podawaa is a smart, automated engagement platform that taps into the power of LinkedIn's algorithm. By joining engagement groups and leveraging Podawaa's advanced features, you can multiply the reach of your posts by up to 10x, ensuring your expertise and insights are shared with a wider audience. The beauty of Podawaa lies in its simplicity and intelligence. With just a few clicks, you can create your 'rocket' by scheduling your posts, optimize their 'aerodynamics' by adding relevant links and guidelines, and choose your 'space-teammates' from a pool of over 2,000 engaged groups. Podawaa's machine learning algorithms then take care of the rest, generating real, relevant comments and likes to boost your visibility and credibility on LinkedIn.

  • Personalized Audience

    Podawaa allows you to personalize your audience by targeting over 15 different criteria to ensure you reach the right people.

  • Relevant Comments

    Podawaa's algorithm uses machine learning to select comprehensive and relevant comments from the community to boost your post engagement.

  • Time Saving Automation

    Podawaa allows you to schedule posts, set up engagement, and add your own comments to save time while boosting your post reach.

  • Increased Post Reach

    Podawaa connects you with thousands of other users to increase the reach of your LinkedIn posts by up to 10x.

  • Free Trial

    Podawaa offers a free trial that gives you access to all paid features and the ability to request up to 500 likes on your posts.

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