SalesLead GenerationMagicForm


Lead Generation AI

Supercharge your top of funnel with a 24/7 AI that qualifies, converts, and follows up with leads.

About MagicForm

MagicForm is an innovative AI-powered lead generation tool that is revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their customers. Designed to be a 24/7 sales representative, MagicForm is trained to qualify, convert, and follow up with leads, ensuring that no opportunity is missed. The primary feature of MagicForm is its ability to learn about your business by scanning your website and documents. This allows the AI to have in-depth knowledge about your products, services, and unique selling points, enabling it to have natural conversations with potential customers and provide personalized responses. The problem that MagicForm solves is the challenge of maintaining a consistent and high-quality customer experience, even during off-hours or when your sales team is unavailable. By automating the lead qualification and follow-up process, MagicForm ensures that your business is always available to engage with interested customers, increasing the chances of conversion and driving revenue growth. MagicForm is targeted towards small and medium-sized businesses, as well as larger enterprises, who are looking to streamline their lead generation efforts and provide a seamless customer experience. The value proposition is clear: with MagicForm, you can have a dedicated, hardworking sales representative that never takes a day off, never gets sick, and never leaves for a competitor.

  • Easy to Train

    Scan websites, upload documents and more. Extract facts of your business for conversation. View top questions, edit live, maintain visibility.

  • Easy to Instruct

    Drag and drop questions with logic for conversation flow. AI uses as reference, keeping customer in charge.

  • Easy to trust

    Train new answers, edit source knowledge for contextual responses while reviewing conversation.

  • Easy to deploy

    Deploy to any website with simple code paste. Integrate with whatsapp, beta testing messenger integration.

  • Easy to white label

    Invite clients to dashboard with your branding. Incorporate AI lead qualification into your offerings.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



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