

Streamline your GitHub pull requests with ease

Experience instant preview environments for every pull request

About Glimpse

Hey there, fellow coder! Are you tired of the endless headaches that come with managing pull requests? You know the drill: delayed features, late releases, and those sneaky bugs that somehow find their way into production. It’s enough to make anyone want to pull their hair out! That’s why I created Glimpse. After a frustrating experience trying to juggle preview environments on Google Cloud, I thought, why not make each pull request its own little paradise using Laravel Forge? And voilà, Glimpse was born! With Glimpse, you can say goodbye to the tedious setup of separate staging environments. Imagine this: you open a pull request, and BAM! A unique, live preview environment is automatically generated just for you. It’s like magic, but better because it’s real! Now you can focus on what really matters—writing killer code and collaborating with your team without the usual hassle. So, whether you’re a solo developer or part of a bustling team, Glimpse is here to make your life easier. Let’s code smarter, not harder, and keep those updates flowing smoothly!

  • Instant Preview Environments

    Automatically create disposable preview environments for each pull request.

  • Integrated with Laravel Forge

    Uses Laravel Forge's capabilities for fast and secure previews.

  • GitHub Native

    Integrates directly into GitHub for seamless collaboration.

  • Real-time Collaboration

    Test features and gather feedback in real-time.

  • Automatic Environment Decommissioning

    Preview environments are removed after merging or closing a PR.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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