

An all-in-one workspace that works the way you do.

Create your custom online database, get rid of numerous spreadsheets and manage anything that is important to your business, in one place.

About Fusioo

Spreadsheets are dead. Long live the custom workspace! Fusioo is the secret weapon for businesses drowning in data chaos. It's like spreadsheets on steroids, but without the headache-inducing formulas. You know that feeling when you're juggling a million tabs, trying to piece together information from different sources? Fusioo kicks that frustration to the curb. Here's the deal: Fusioo lets you build your own digital playground. No coding required – it's as easy as adding a new sheet to a spreadsheet, but way more powerful. You can organize anything – projects, tasks, clients, your extensive collection of cat memes – whatever your business needs. And the best part? It grows with you. As your needs change, your Fusioo workspace evolves. But wait, there's more! Fusioo isn't just about organizing data. It's about turning that data into action. Create charts, sorted lists, and key metrics that actually mean something. No more squinting at tiny cells – Fusioo gives you a bird's-eye view of your entire business. And when it comes to teamwork, Fusioo is your new best friend. Collaborate, share, and impress clients all in one place. Say goodbye to endless email threads and hello to productivity. So, are you ready to ditch the spreadsheet struggle and join the custom workspace revolution? Give Fusioo a spin – your sanity (and your team) will thank you.

  • Customizable Workspace

    Build your own workspace without coding, organizing projects and tasks easily.

  • Data Visualization

    Create charts and key metrics from your data for better insights.

  • Team Collaboration

    Enhance productivity with discussions, mentions, and shared files.

  • Data Connection

    Avoid duplication by connecting related content intelligently.

  • Automated Workflows

    Create workflows triggered by specific actions to boost productivity.

  • Role-Based Permissions

    Control access permissions for data security and privacy.

  • Global Dashboards

    Display important information from your entire business in one place.

  • Multiple Data Views

    Work with data in List, Badge, Kanban, or Calendar views.

  • Data Export

    Easily export your data whenever needed, keeping ownership.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



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