

Turn any site to a social forum

Engage your visitors with real-time public discussions, allowing them to express their love for your products and ask questions effortlessly.

About ChitChat

Imagine a world where your website isn't just a static page but a vibrant social forum buzzing with real-time discussions. That's where ChitChat struts in, ready to transform your site into a lively community hub. Gone are the days of one-sided communication; with ChitChat, your visitors can express their love for your products, ask questions, and engage with each other effortlessly. It's like throwing a party on your website, and everyone is invited! ChitChat is designed for the modern solopreneur who knows that engagement is key. You want your visitors to feel at home, to chat, and to share their experiences. This tool is your secret weapon to foster a sense of community right on your site. Whether you're selling handmade crafts or offering consulting services, ChitChat allows your users to inspire each other and create a buzz that can lead to increased loyalty and sales. Setting up ChitChat is a breeze. In just three minutes, you can download the app, create a new project, and integrate it into your website. It's as simple as copy and paste! And just like that, you have a chat system that keeps your community connected and engaged. So why wait? Let your website be the place where conversations happen, and watch as your community flourishes!

  • Real-time Public Discussions

    Engage your visitors with real-time public discussions about your products.

  • Easy Integration

    Copy and paste a snippet to integrate ChitChat into your website.

  • Native App Notifications

    Stay up-to-date on notifications through the native app.

  • User Experience Sharing

    Let your users' experiences inspire others on your site.

  • Local Testing

    Test locally using 'localhost' with the desired port.

Platforms supported

  • iOS
  • Android


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