MarketingConversion Rate OptimizationAI Price
AI Price

AI Price

Turn undecided visitors to happy paid customers

AIPrice analyzes visitors’ behavior and shows them a customized offer based on their buying interest

About AI Price

Imagine a world where your website visitors are not just passive observers but active participants in their purchasing journey. Enter AIPrice, the game-changer that transforms undecided visitors into happy, paying customers. With a sprinkle of AI magic, we analyze visitor behavior and serve up customized offers that resonate with their buying interests. No tech wizardry required—just a simple line of code dropped into your site, and voilà! You’re ready to roll. But wait, there’s more! AIPrice doesn’t just throw discounts at anyone and everyone. Oh no, we’re much more sophisticated than that. Our system detects those uncertain, price-sensitive users and triggers special offers tailored just for them. This means your discounts remain exclusive, reaching only those who truly value them. It’s like having a secret weapon in your marketing arsenal that works quietly yet effectively behind the scenes. And let’s talk about control. With AIPrice, you’re the captain of your ship. Want to be adventurous with your offers? Go for it! Prefer a more conservative approach? You got it! You can manage the rate of showing discounts, choose promotion types, colors, and more. It’s all about giving you the power to craft the perfect pricing strategy that aligns with your business goals. So, whether you’re a solopreneur just starting out or a mature business looking to scale, AIPrice is your trusty sidekick in the quest for optimized pricing. With a risk-free 45-day trial, you can see the results for yourself before committing. Why wait? Let’s turn those undecided visitors into loyal customers today!

  • Simple Integration

    Just drop a line of code to your site for easy setup.

  • Behavior Analysis

    Analyzes visitors' behavior to show customized offers.

  • Revenue Increase

    Proven to increase your revenue effectively.

  • Risk-Free Trial

    45-day free trial to evaluate the service's effectiveness.

  • Platform Independence

    Works anywhere without needing access to financial data.

  • Targeted Offers

    Shows offers only to the right customers, enhancing exclusivity.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


Developed by

AI Price

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